The Odyssiad® extends its reach into the community
The International Keyboard Odyssiad® and Festival, U.S.A., extends its reach through Odyssiad® in the Community (OTC), featuring educationally infused concerts showcasing internationally acclaimed pianists and Odyssiad® competitors and winners. OTC was designed to further enhance Fort Collins' artistic vitality while building on the organization’s goal to ensure wide-reaching year-round access to live piano music.
OTC is a four-pronged outreach performance program expanding access to live piano music throughout the year.
1. The Annual Concerto Invitational—in partnership with Fort Collins’ Health & Wellness Community Orchestra—is a free community concert spotlighting Odyssiad® Gold medal winners as soloists with the orchestra at Griffin Concert Hall.
2. Old Town Performances connect the broader community to classical piano in a casual and approachable atmosphere. Each summer, IKOF artists captivate unsuspecting passersby in Old Town Square with free mini-performances on the city’s iconic “Pianos About Town”.
3. Senior Concerts enhance cultural inclusion of seniors and those living with age-related illness and limited mobility by providing free access to live concerts. Both active and homebound seniors enjoy presentations from rising-star pianists including past and present Odyssiad® winners. Following each performance, the young pianists engage seniors in lively Q-&-A discussions about the repertoire’s cultural and historic context, as well as the pianist’s personal experience in study and performance. Concerts take place in intimate settings throughout Fort Collins, Colorado, including MacKenzie Place and the Fort Collins Senior Center.
4. Soirées are thematic events in private homes that pair fine music and fine food to provide local audiences with intimate, educational concert experiences.